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Public access footpath overgrown

Reported via mobile in the Public footpath or cyclepath category anonymously at 22:05, Sat 28 December 2024

Sent to Peterborough City Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6905896.

Public access footpath is overgrown with weeds, brambles and bushes which is blocking half the pathway forcing people to walk on the grass especially if they have pushchairs etc. Needs clearing so people can walk down it easily and pass each other also. Whilst this is looked at can the bushes further down also be cut back more as they block the view especially near the car parking area which causes safety concerns when it's dark and also encourages fly tipping as when they grow back in spring they cover up anything that gets dumped. Old sofas etc are currently still in bushes.. Ideal these need cutting back loads of fully removing.

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  • Thanks for making your report.

    It will be passed on to the relevant department. We will endeavour to provide you with an update within 10 working days.

    Posted by Peterborough City Council at 22:06, Sat 28 December 2024

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