Overhanging tree branches
Reported via mobile in the Overhanging branches category anonymously at 12:21, Sun 15 December 2024
Sent to Peterborough City Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6863444.
Overhanging tree branches to our garden. We have only little sunlight during summer. Faling branches during windy days damages our gazebo. If these could be trimmed a bit would be great.
Inspection Arranged
Thanks for your enquiry regarding a council-owned tree.
Your enquiry has been allocated to one of our qualified tree surveyors who will carry out an inspection and provide an update within 40 working days.
State changed to: Investigating
Posted by Peterborough City Council at 07:40, Mon 16 December 2024
Thanks for your enquiry regarding a council-owned tree.
In accordance with the Peterborough Tree & Woodland Strategy 2018-2028, a qualified tree surveyor has visited the site, assessed your request and concluded that there is no need to undertake tree works.
We don't prune or remove a council-owned tree to stop the nuisance of overhanging branches.
All council-owned trees are surveyed by a qualified surveyor for safety every one-to-five years, depending on how much the area surrounding them is used. We also carry out maintenance work if it's needed.
You have a legal right to cut back any branches hanging onto your property. You can only cut them from the point where they cross over onto your property. We recommend that all cut material is disposed of as normal garden waste. It is also recommended that the services of a suitably insured and qualified tree surgeon are used to carry these works out on your behalf.
Before you cut back any trees, you need to find out if it's protected by a Tree Preservation Order, or if it's in a conservation area. If a tree is protected, you'll need to get permission to cut it. Please visit conservation trees and hedges for more information.
For further information please read the Peterborough Tree & Woodland Strategy 2018-2028
I trust this answers your enquiry, however, should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Aragon Direct Services.
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Peterborough City Council at 13:22, Fri 20 December 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.