Car abandoned for at least 3yrs
Reported via mobile in the Abandoned vehicles category anonymously at 14:45, Fri 13 December 2024
Sent to Peterborough City Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6859022.
Vehicle abandoned in shared parking bays in Seymour place. Google maps confirms vehicle there since early 2022 at least. Not seen vehicle used since April 2022. DVLA checks show declared SORN but not being kept on private property of owner. Taking up needed parking space in cul-de-sac. Vehicle condition deteriorating each year it's left.
Thanks for reporting this issue.
Posted by Peterborough City Council at 14:45, Fri 13 December 2024
Thank you for your report
Unfortunately, as this car is abandoned on private land/property/car park it will be the responsibility of the landowner to arrange removal.
Please be advised our enforcement officers can investigate abandoned cars on private land for a fee. The request must be made by the landowner of where the car/s are parked.
Landowner details can be obtained through the link below government/ organisations/ land-registry
If the owner wishes to proceed, we can then log this, and a consent form will be posted to them to complete., however the landowner would need to contact Peterborough City Council directly
If you are the owner of the land in question where this car has been potentially abandoned, please email us and we will ask the enforcement to either post or email you the consent form
Kind Regards HC Customer Services Digital and Customer Access 01733 747474 Monday to Friday 09:00am to 17:00pm email:
State changed to: No further action
Posted by Peterborough City Council at 12:21, Mon 16 December 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.