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New lining

Reported via iOS in the Road works category by Mario a at 08:26, Sun 8 December 2024

Sent to Peterborough City Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6833437.

A couple of weeks ago there was a sign saying you’d be closing the road on Monday night for the new lining.

On one network, it’s disappeared has this work been cancelled and why?. There have been several incidents of near misses and one head on collision early in the year.

Road Traffic Act 1988 The Road Traffic Act 1988 requires that roads be safe for users. If faded road markings cause an accident, the person in charge of road marking maintenance may be responsible.

Road Traffic Act 1988 legislation that states all roads must be safe for drivers.

As you are fully aware of this i’m looking at FixMyStreet several reports the city Council are now liable for any instance happens..

This is an ongoing issue for a few months So I’m now submitting a a section 56 on this. As you have a duty of care for the highway As there was a near me yesterday Saturday 7th

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  • Thanks for making your report.

    It will be passed on to the relevant department. We will endeavour to provide you with an update within 10 working days.

    Posted by Peterborough City Council at 08:26, Sun 8 December 2024

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