Caravan blocking entrance to Cul De Sac
Reported via Android in the Car parking category anonymously at 18:06, Thursday 10 October 2024
Sent to Peterborough City Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 6576978.
Although there is a restrictive covenant in place within this estate stating caravans must not be parked outside properties, this caravan is blocking access to the estate.
Thanks for reporting this issue.
Posted by Peterborough City Council at 18:06, Thursday 10 October 2024
Thank you for your report.
For the enforcement officers to be able to issue a Penalty Charge Notice there must be a traffic regulation order in place which creates a parking restriction for example double yellow lines. This allows the officers to issue a penalty charge notice to vehicles in contravention to that restriction.
If there is an obstruction of the road or pavement or blocking drive or any dangerous parking, this is the responsibility of the police to investigate and enforce.
They can be contacted on 101 or you can complete their ASB form online to report the obstruction - ro/ report/ asb/ asb/ report-antisocial-behaviour/
It is not an offence to park a motor vehicle, with the exemption of a HGV, on a grass verge, pavement or road, unless it is causing an obstruction or there is a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in place prohibiting it, any illegal parking (example double yellow lines) can be reported directly to the parking enforcement team on: or call 01733 452241 Monday to Friday 09:00am to 17:00pm
Alternatively, you could request in writing for double yellow lines to be painted and see if this is something that Peterborough City Council can assist with. You can email them directly on:
Request a verge and pavement parking restriction in your area In areas where there is currently no restriction on parking on the verges or pavement residents can request one for the area, they live by contacting the council. Residents may not request one for streets in which they do not live. Email:
More information can be found on PCC website residents/ parking/ parking-on-grass-verges-or-pavements
Kind Regards HC Customer Services
State changed to: not the council's responsibility
Posted by Peterborough City Council at 16:13, Friday 11 October 2024
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.