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Tree leafs and red balls fall onto my garden

Reported via mobile in the Tree debris (droppings, sap or seeds) category anonymously at 11:18, Thu 16 November 2023

Sent to Peterborough City Council less than a minute later. Council ref: 5218954.

With having a puppy gets dangerous as he ends up eating the red balls that fall of the tree and also leafs fall on my garden like crazy I would have to clean everyday. As seen in pictures, it was cleaned this morning and is now 2h after and you can see the leafs already accumulating.

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  • Inspection Arranged

    Thanks for your enquiry regarding a council-owned tree.

    Your enquiry has been allocated to one of our qualified tree surveyors who will carry out an inspection and provide an update within 40 working days.

    State changed to: Investigating

    Posted by Peterborough City Council at 13:32, Thu 16 November 2023

  • Thanks for your enquiry regarding a council-owned tree.

    In accordance with the Peterborough Tree & Woodland Strategy 2018-2028, a qualified tree surveyor has assessed your request and concluded that there is no need to undertake tree works.

    We don't prune or remove a council-owned tree to remove or reduce blossom, tree sap, honeydew or remove fallen leaves and blossom from private land. Tree sap or honeydew are a seasonal problem. When we plant new trees, we try to choose those that are less likely to cause this problem. You can remove tree sap or honeydew from your car using warm soapy water. We regularly sweep leaves and blossom from our parks, roads, and footpaths or cycle paths that run alongside them.

    All council-owned trees are surveyed by a qualified surveyor for safety every one-to-five years, depending on how much the area surrounding them is used. We also carry out maintenance work if it's needed.

    For further information please read the Peterborough Tree & Woodland Strategy 2018-2028

    I trust this answers your enquiry, however, should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Aragon Direct Services.

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Peterborough City Council at 13:35, Thu 30 November 2023

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